Saturday, October 8, 2011

31 miles in 31 days

Blogger Sarah is doing an october running challenge which I am participating in! The challenge is to run 31 miles in 31 days. I think this is awsome. Its such great motivation for me to run more than I already do. Since Oct 1st ive run 8.36 miles. I would have liked it to be more but thats okay theres still plenty of time left. My personal goal by the end of the month is to run 5 miles in one session( without stopping). The most ive ever done at once was 3.5m. Im using a cool website called map my run to map out jogging routes and keeping track of my progress. I will post a weekly update letting you all know how im doing :) Ill also post a screen shot of my progress!


  1. Wow!! GREAT job!! That's a really good goal too. I think my first goal will be to run 2 miles without wanting to die haha! Do you run with a stroller or without?

  2. @Sarah

    Yes, I run with a jogger :) Every once in a while I get the pleasure of going out alone...but not very often! haha
