Sunday, November 7, 2010

28 weeks

He sure is running out of room in there. It seems like he is always in motion and getting stronger by the day. Its actually starting to get a little uncomfortable when he pushes up on me and moves around. Its pretty neat to watch though. Ive been trying to get it on video, but everytime I press record he gets camera shy. Ill keep trying though, and hopefully post a video! Im coming up on 29 weeks and cant even believe how fast its going! Well, heres the 28 week belly....


  1. Oh my gosh! Hopefully you won't end up having a 10 pounder!

  2. You are completely adorable! Your belly is the PERFECT pregnant belly! Seriously...I know what I'm talking about....I've been pregnant 4 times!

    I look forward to see your belly grow even bigger!
